Players Girlfriends & Wives

Who is Brianna Miller, Wife of Josh Donaldson?

Get all the details on Josh Donaldson's wife, Brianna Miller including age, when they got married, and more.

Brianna Miller Facts

Brianna Miller
Born InCanada
SpouseJosh Donaldson
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBrown
Wedding DateThey got engaged on February 2022

Who is Brianna Miller Married to?

Brianna Miller married Josh Donaldson on They got engaged on February 2022 in A wedding date has not been set yet

What team does Brianna Miller’s husband, Josh Donaldson play for?

New York Yankees

Do Brianna Miller and Josh Donaldson have children?

The happy couple have two adorable baby girls named Lilly and Aubrey. The are both under 3 years old.

What type of career does Brianna Miller have?

According to LinkedIn, Brianna works as a Holistic Lifestyle Coach at Holistic Breeze in Canada.

How did Brianna Miller and Josh Donaldson first meet?

Fun Facts

Brianna loves going to Yankee Stadium with her two girls to see dad play.

Briana shared a photo of herself when she was first dating Josh and calls him her “forever Valentine.”

Josh is an amazing husband according to Brianna! She said “Bringing Lilly into our world has been so beautiful but has had its challenges and this guy has been our rock.”

According to Instagram, it looks like Josh and Brianna live in sunny Florida in the off season with their two daughters.

Brianna reminisced about the days that she and Josh were dating and wearing clothing other than “sweats.”


By Kayla

As an avid Yankee fan, Kayla is often found either taking in the games at Yankee Stadium or watching the games on TV.

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